FEA Value PropositionInterested in joining a professional trade association that allows you to stay informed of the latest Section 1031 transaction techniques, receive specialized updates and information on IRS rulings, provides opportunities for networking with other Section 1031 professionals at regional and national conferences, and enhances your professional credibility with it's membership? Then consider becoming a Member of the FEA.
Member TypesAffiliate MembershipAvailable for businesses related to exchange accommodation or that provide services to exchange accommodators or their clients, such as attorneys, accountants, banks, insurance brokers, realtors, triple net lease or tenant-in-common property brokers or sponsors, escrow or title insurance companies, financial planners, etc. Affiliate Members receive access to FEA Members, all communications sent to Full Members, the right to participate in FEA committees and additionally, one seat on the Board of Directors is reserved for an Affiliate Member. Affiliate Member BenefitsThe FEA Membership Committee has assembled a benefits program designed to engage Affiliate Members and deliver the value all of our members expect and deserve. The FEA has committed to providing Affiliate Members with access to our exchange professionals who direct and control billions of dollars of sale proceeds and participate in thousands of real estate and personal property transactions each year. Regular MembershipAvailable to companies and sole proprietors engaged in the exchange accommodation business as Qualified Intermediaries or Exchange Accommodation Titleholders under IRC §1031. Members are listed in the “Member/QI Locator” section of the FEA website, have access to the “Members Only” section of the FEA website, receive monthly FEA newsletters, including tax updates, and occasional Member Alerts for breaking news affecting the industry that can’t wait for the next newsletter, access to high quality continuing education webinars and the FEA Annual Conference at reduced member pricing, the right to participate on FEA committees, and most importantly, the ability to be heard as a member of the industry. Membership Requirements and Code of Ethics sample required for the membership application. Professional Advisor MembershipThis includes credentialed professionals who provide tax or legal advice to exchangers rather than providing or advertising their services to qualified intermediaries. Any Professional Advisor applicant that is deemed not qualified under such Professional Advisor Criteria or who qualifies for another class of membership shall be denied membership as a Professional Advisor Member. A Professional Advisor Member may be a natural person or a professional firm, such as a law firm or accounting firm. If a firm, each Professional Advisor Member shall designate a Professional Advisor Representative. Professional Advisor Members are not entitled to vote at a meeting of Members. Individual MembershipAvailable to employees of an FEA member company in good standing. The Board of Directors shall adopt Individual Criteria for Individual Members. Any individual member prospect that is deemed not qualified under such Individual Criteria shall be denied membership. Individual Members are not entitled to vote at a meeting of Members Individual Membership dues for the Federation of Exchange Accommodators (FEA) are assessed on a calendar year. Individual members will not be listed on the FEA website unless a part of the company roster. |